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Data Access Layer
Feature Trial Unlimited
Natively supports SQL Server, Oracle, MS Access, and Visual FoxPro databases.
Built-in support for any OLE DB provider
Full concurrency support with many different options including row versioning, time stamp columns, optimistic, and proprietary
Advanced CRUD support (Create, Update, and Delete) including INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE stored procedure integration
Extended collision notification settings
Automatic incremented primary key value retrieval
Transparent to the developer and requires zero coding
Streamlined data-access optimized for speed
Unlimited number of server connections within an application
Real-time multi-database type support (i.e. SQL Server and FoxPro)
Connection string management with encryption and external storage
Synchronized and thread safe
Custom SELECT and stored procedure support
Complete scalar support
Parameterized commands and query support
Transaction processing
SQL Server 2005 Query Notification support
Debug mode
Connection pooling
Full run-time source code
Business Layer
Feature Trial Unlimited
Easily associate field structure to business object using the Business Object Mapper
Advanced NULL support
Extended strong-type support
Automated serialization support
Compound primary key support
Full parent-child relationship management
One click business object strong-type synchronization
Field auto-trim options
Event driven (i.e. BeforeSave, AfterSave, Navigating, Navigated, etc.)
Dynamic field level event creation (i.e. Changing, Changed, Accessing)
Extensive data navigation support (ADO Style, FoxPro Style, and UI Bound)
Real-time sorting and filtering options
Exposed ADO.NET components
All business logic checked through single event
Simple required fields implementation
Broken  rules collection
Customizable auto-bound error provider
Program in preferred .NET language
Auto forced parent save if child saved first
Initialization priority
Unlimited programmatic support
Advanced Business Object Mapper (Tool used to Strong-Type business objects)
Grid and third-party tool binding support
Error saving features
Auto field initialization options (Prevents NULL or DbNull errors)
Child auto-filter options
View structure support (Pull field structure from a view)
XML data source support
Integrated localization support 
Event based security down to field level
Full business object serialization support for enterprise services
Full run-time source code
Presentation Layer
Feature Trial Unlimited
Pre-localized Runtime Components
Zero code data binding
Optimized data binding performance (six times faster)
Application Themes
Effortless list control population
Auto-management features (i.e. Auto ask Save Changes, Delete Record Confirmation, etc.)
Easily bind to third-party controls
DevExpress wrapper
Rich text messaging interface
Extensive UI controls including: Wizard, ChildFormDialog, BrowseDialog, Themed Group Box, Radio Group Box, and other Windows Themed controls
Office style notification windows
Easily localize controls without leaving form designer
Windows Theme support
Windows and web form support
Visual Studio integrated templates
Maintenance form toolbar (Drop it and use it without writing any code)
Integrated connection manager dialogs (Presented to end-user)
Themed Wait Window interface (similar to Visual FoxPro)
Full run-time source code
Role Based Security
Feature Trial Unlimited
Security Application that may be distributed to end-users, royalty free runtime
Easily Maintained Global Security Settings
Complex Password Features
Session Locking for deployed applications
Developer designated permissions
Developer / Application Administrator (user) role definition
Users inherit role security with overrides on a per user basis
Application Administrator may set or create Restriction Sets that limits valid logons by location and time/date
Programmatic creating of Security Keys makes implementation easy
Localization of Security Application includes English, Spanish, and Portuguese versions
Full run-time source code
Messaging and Localization
Feature Trial Unlimited
Central message data store
Store messages in XML or database
No satellite DLLs
Rich text messaging (Replace the Windows Message Box)
Visual Studio integrated message and text value editor
Supports presentation layer controls, business object messages, broken rules text, and anything else that requires localizable text
Integrated language selection dialogs (Presented to end-user)
Translation tools (Easily translate keys from one language to another)
Common message repository
Quickly and easily create localization messages and text
Message event ID (assign a unique event ID to each message)
Database Deployment Toolkit
Feature Trial Unlimited
Deploy SQL structures from a single meta-data file
Instantly become an SQL expert
Maintain SQL data structures in a single location and deploy to an unlimited number of servers
Automatic INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE stored procedure creation
SQL CLR assembly support
Import existing structures from FoxPro, SQL Server, Access, or meta-data package
Creates and updates SQL server structures without the use of scripts
Upgrade a data structure from version 1 to version x in a single step
Programmatically deploy with application framework classes
Create custom deployment progress dialogs
Rename history support (change field, table, or database names without losing data)
No need for Enterprise Manager or SQL Management Studio
Deploy static data with structure (i.e. postal codes, states, countries, etc.)
Easily modify table structures
Advanced file group, view, relationship, and index support
Deploy multiple databases simultaneously
Supports SQL Server 2000 and 2005
Supports 2005 data types including MAX types
Automatic type conversion when deploying to SQL Server 2000 (i.e. converts VarChar(MAX) field to Text)
Seamlessly integrates with Application Framework and Business Object Mapper
Create "Ghost" structures for business object mapping
Additional Tools and Features
Feature Trial Unlimited
Seamless Visual Studio integration
File compression tools
Application security hooks
Credit card validation classes
Screen capturing tools
Windows API interface
GAC (Global Assembly Cache) interface classes
Easy to use 3DES, SHA, and MD5 encryption classes
Dynamic XML structure update classes
XML file encryption
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